Recommended Basketball Courts around Chapel Hill, North Carolina


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Here are some recommended basketball courts around Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Enjoy your life in Chapel Hill with our recommended basketball courts!

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[Indoor and Outdoor] Basketball Court at Hargraves Community Center

Hargraves Community Center has basketball courts (indoor and outdoor).

Marcus Ginyard hosted a basketball camp at Hargraves Community Center from 2017-2019.

[Indoor and Outdoor] Basketball Court at Chapel Hill Community Center

Chapel Hill Community Center has basketball courts (indoor and outdoor).

As of 2023, the gymnasium at the Chapel Hill Community Center is available for $3.

Here is a video of our Founder/CEO&CTO Hiroyuki Chishiro playing basketball at Chapel Hill Community Center.

[Outdoor] Basketball Court at Delta Kappa Epsilon

Delta Kappa Epsilon has an outdoor basketball court.

UNC students often play there.

[Indoor] Basketball Court on The 3rd Floor of Graduate Chapel Hill Hotel

The 3rd floor of Graduate Chapel Hill Hotel has an indoor basketball court.

However, please note that basketballs are cushioned.

Here is a video of Hiroyuki Chishiro playing basketball at Graduate Chapel Hill Hotel.

[Outdoor] Basketball Court at Umstead Drive at Bolinwood Apartments

Umstead Drive at Bolinwood Apartments has an outdoor basketball court.

When Hiroyuki Chishiro was a visiting scholar at UNC, he used to play with his neighbors!

[Indoor] Woollen Gym at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) (UNC Students and Faculties only)

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) has an indoor basketball court at Woollen Gym.

Woollen Gym has eight courts, so you can play basketball as much as you want.

However, please note that Woollen Gym is for UNC students and faculties only.


We introduced recommended basketball courts around Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Enjoy your life in Chapel Hill with our recommended basketball courts!

Book your travel arrangements here if you would like to learn more about it!

