What is IMPT? Cryptocurrency for Decarbonization [How to Buy]


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What is IMPT?

IMPT is a cryptocurrency with a blockchain infrastructure aspect that allows each individual or company to offset their carbon footprint in an easy and secure way.

Here, carbon footprint and carbon offsetting mean the following.

  • Carbon footprint: A total amount of greenhouse gas emissions by an individual, event, organization, service, place, or product, expressed in carbon dioxide.
  • Carbon offset: A concept or activity in which greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide emitted in one place through human economic activities and lifestyles are absorbed directly or indirectly in another place through afforestation, forest protection, and clean energy projects (purchase of emission credits).

Explanatory videos on carbon footprinting and carbon offsetting are as follows.

The goal of IMPT is to provide everyone with the opportunity to help the environment and make a positive difference.

IMPT also allows users to earn carbon credits while doing normal shopping or making purchases on the platform.

To learn more about IMPT, read the white paper!

These are IMPT instructional videos.

How to Buy IMPT

Here is how to buy IMPT.

The main cryptocurrency exchange where you can trade IMPT is (click here for cryptocurrency exchanges where you can trade).

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We introduced IMPT, a cryptocurrency with aspects of a blockchain infrastructure that allows each individual or company to offset their carbon footprint in an easy and secure way.

IMPT combines cryptocurrency and decarbonization.

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