What is XANA? Metaverse Platform developed by Japanese [Cryptocurrencies XETA, ALIA] [How to Buy]


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What is XANA?

XANA is an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) based blockchain optimized for the metaverse, and a DApps platform built on top of it.

XANA has the following features.

  • Metaverse-specific: Metaverse-specific sidechain design, SDK, and codebase libraries are provided.
  • High-speed: Hundreds of times faster than Ethereum
  • Low-cost: Proof-of-Stake (PoS) for consensus algorithm

XANA's on-chain partners are as follows

The following blockchain networks are available for XANA.

Other metaverse platforms mainly support one or two, so the fact that XANA supports three shows its superiority.

  • Ethereum
  • Polygon
  • Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

XANA is developed by NOBORDERz, whose CEO is Japanese Rio Takeshi Kubo (Rio Noborderz).

XANA's Introduction Videos

XANA's introduction videos are as follows.

Japanese Influencers related with XANA

Japanese influencers related with XANA are as follows.

Prince Aojiru (Yuta Misaki) recommends XANA!

On August 22, 2022, Noritake Kinashi took possession of the XANA property and announced the release of the Noritake Kinashi's Metaverse Gallery and the NFTs in conjunction with it.

How to Buy XANA's Cryptocurrencies XETA, ALIA

We introduce how to buy XANA's cryptocurrencies XETA and ALIA.

The main cryptocurrency exchange where you can trade XETA is (click here for cryptocurrency exchanges where you can trade).

ALIA can be traded at PancakeSwap (click here for current prices).

If you would like to know more about DEXs including PancakeSwap, please click the following.


This article introduced XANA, which is a metaverse platform developed by Japanese.

XANA is a highly promising metaverse platform.

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