What is Solidity Programming Language in Ethereum?


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What is Solidity Programming Language in Ethereum?

Solidity is an object-oriented programming language developed to explicitly describe smart contracts.

Solidity has been used to implement various blockchain platforms, including Ethereum.

Solidity has inspired programming languages such as C++, Python, JavaScript, and Eiffel.

Therefore, mastery of object-oriented concepts and the programming languages mentioned above will make learning Solidity easier.

The developer of Solidity is Gavin Wood.

The Solidity language is implemented in C++ and is open source on GitHub.

If you would like to download the Solidity code, please execute the following command

The license of Solidity is GPL Version 3.

These are introductory videos of Solidity.

If you would like to learn more about features of Solidity, read the official documentation!

How to Learn Solidity Programming Language

We introduce how to learn Solidity programming language.

These are development environments to learn Solidity.

  • If you would like to use Solidity online: Remix IDE
  • If you would like to build your own environment on your own PC: Truffle Suite

If you would like to know more about websites where you can learn Solidity, please click the following.


We introduced Solidity, which is an object-oriented programming language developed to explicitly describe smart contracts.

If you would like to become a blockchain engineer, you should learn Solidity!

If you would like to know the recommended job sites for Blockchain Engineers, please click the following.

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