What is Vyper Programming Language in Ethereum?


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What is Vyper Programming Language in Ethereum?

Vyper is a Python-like, contract-oriented programming language for writing Ethereum smart contracts.

Vyper is implemented in Python and is open source on GitHub.

To download the code for Vyper, execute the following command.

Vyper is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

The philosophy and goals of Vyper are as follows.

  • Security: It should be possible and natural to build secure smart contracts with Vyper.
  • Language and compiler simplicity: Language and compiler implementation should be simple.
  • Auditability: Vyper code should be human-readable to the greatest extent possible. Furthermore, it should be as difficult as possible to write misleading code. Simplicity for the reader is more important than simplicity for the writer, and simplicity for inexperienced readers of Vyper (generally readers with little programming experience) is especially important.

These are introductory videos of Vyper.

How to Learn Vyper Programming Language

We introduce how to learn Vyper programming language.

These are development environments to learn Vyper.

If you would like to know more about websites where you can learn Vyper, please click the following.


We introduced Vyper, which is a Python-like, contract-oriented programming language for writing Ethereum smart contracts.

If you would like to become a blockchain engineer, you should learn Vyper!

If you would like to know the recommended job sites for Blockchain Engineers, please click the following.

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